20 April 2009

Stroop Test for ADHD

This is the Stroop Test for ADHD. Difficulty to perform this test is only an indication that someone might have ADHD. Please follow these instructions in order:

1. Read down the list of words in black print. Say them aloud. Time yourself.

2. Read down the list of colored words. Say aloud the color of the lettering, not the word itself. It's a little tricky but you can do it. Time yourself.

3. Re-read the list of colored words. This time say the word itself, not the color of the letters. Again, it's a little tricky.

Read these words aloud for step #1:
Red Blue Green Red Green Blue Red
Blue Green Red Yellow Blue Green Blue
Yellow Yellow Blue Red Red Blue Red
Green Red Green Green Yellow Red Yellow

Read these words/colors for steps #2 and #3:
Red Blue Green Red Green Blue Red
Blue Green Red Yellow Blue Green Blue
Yellow Yellow Blue Red Red Blue Red
Green Red Green Green Yellow Red Yellow

Most people find #2 and #3 take longer than #1 and a bit challenging but it can be done. A little frustration and some laughing is the usual result. ADHD people have quite a bit more difficulty in doing #2 and #3, much more so than non-ADHD people. A higher level of frustration and longer time to get through the colored words is experienced.

You might also be interested in:

ADHD Questionaire

ADHD - Basic Facts

Famous People with ADHD


Zoe Brain said...

Interesting - I had no significant difference in time between #1 and #3, but #2 took nearly four times as long as either.

vision said...

Wonderful! you are so right and I needed to hear this.

Bruce said...

Thanks for this informative post

Anonymous said...

I think I've done something like this before and when I did it this time #1 and #3 were relatively easy, but #2 was very frustrating for me and required starting over multiple times. This is while I'm /on/ ADD medication.

Anonymous said...

You have got to be kidding -- this reminded me of the room painting question on the GRE where I wanted to just mix all the paint together and paint every room mill end grey.

Unknown said...

17.8 seconds for the first, 22.4 seconds for the second, and 15.8 seconds for the third. But I have no idea if that's good or bad haha!

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